Last November I bought a potted peace lily plant from a grocery store. In December, there was a tomato plant starting to grow in the same pot. My husband cleared our front porch and he moved all the plant containers outside by the bush to place an outside Christmas tree. Since I knew I only have succulents in those pots, I didn't bother to check them until Spring is almost over. The peace lily plant died but the tomato plant grew bigger and had a lots of flowers. It was the most prolific tomatoes I've seen. It grows in cluster of 5-6 tomatoes, mid size, red, very juicy and tasty. It is indeterminate, regular leaf and can handle hot summer and severe drought. I've only water it a few times during the heat of summer here in Southern California. It is still blooming and still giving us fruits. The picture below was my 3rd harvest from it. I am hoping someone will recognize it so I can formally name it. But right now I am calling it as Froid