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Old March 2, 2018   #1
GoDawgs's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Augusta area, Georgia, 8a/7b
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Default Growing Beets In Georgia? Help!

Beets just don't seem to grow for me or for others in my area of east central Georgia. So many other folks can just seem to "sow and grow" so easily. I feel stupid not being able to do this as I've been gardening for years and am pretty successful with everything else. Do any of you other Georgians have success or failure?

Soaking the seed for a day before direct sowing made a big difference. At least they come up consistently now but it seems I just can't get them up past 2". They sit there and sulk. Fall planting (Aug, Sep and Oct), spring planting (Jan, Feb, and Mar), it doesn't make a difference. I've tried six different time frames and none work. This past fall looked promising and then when, at the 2" stage, we got a freeze they died later even after having been covered.

If anyone has a secret I sure would appreciate hearing it. I'd rather not do sets and transplant (as I read in another thread here) but just might try a few while once again I direct sow some seed this coming week. Soil temp is 64 so that shouldn't be an issue.
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