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Old November 24, 2007   #1
Tomatoville® Moderator
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Default Andrey's Dwarves I am growing this winter

Andrey was kind enough to send me several new dwarves (to me) this past fall. Here are photos. Two varieties fell victim to some disease, another one I cut back and think I will get fruit. All the rest are ok. Alpha is closest to ripe fruit-a couple others are not too far behind.

Alpha is the first photo. The fruit ripening is on the bottom, left side of the plant.

Amurskiy Shtamb is the second. I planted this much later than the other varieties, but its doing well and setting fruit.

Nevskiy is the third. This is the variety that I was able to cut back and save, at least for the present.

Otradnyi is a great looking, very compact plant. Lots of fruit on it. One of the best so far of this growout for me.

Rozalinda is the next. Andrey knows my dear wife's name is Rosalina, and sent me this one-its close enough to her name, that I am growing it. Another great looking plant, fruit is going to be smaller than some of the others, at least based on what I see now. Real compact, nice foliage cover, like Otraydyl.

Rozovyi Leader is the next. Going to have pretty big fruit. Not as compact a plant as some of the others.

Taiymr is the next. Lots of fruit, may be good sized fruit in a compact plant.

Zimnyaya Vishnya is the last. Lots of decent sized fruit on another compact plant.

Hopefully, I have spelled all the varieties correctly, but if I didnt, Andrey is sure to help out.

Thanks to our tomato friend Andrey for all his help.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg alpha (Small).jpg (39.1 KB, 62 views)
File Type: jpg amurskiy ghtamb (Small).jpg (56.5 KB, 56 views)
File Type: jpg nevskiy (Small).jpg (39.6 KB, 48 views)
File Type: jpg otradryl (Small).jpg (56.0 KB, 52 views)
File Type: jpg rosalinda (Small).jpg (46.3 KB, 49 views)
File Type: jpg rozovyi leder (Small).jpg (61.3 KB, 63 views)
File Type: jpg taimyr (Small).jpg (46.5 KB, 50 views)
File Type: jpg zimvyaya vishnya (Small).jpg (49.1 KB, 55 views)

Last edited by mdvpc; November 25, 2007 at 11:39 AM. Reason: Spelling of varieties corrected by Andrey
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