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A garden is only as good as the ground that it's planted in. Discussion forum for the many ways to improve the soil where we plant our gardens.

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Old January 4, 2008   #16
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Belgium
Posts: 191

to cook up this discussion again : wouldn't it be somewhat dramatic that nature would have no way to cope with diseased plant material ? outbreaks would never stop, yet increasingly spand out - I'm not a biologist, it is just gut-science. Is the composting technique of the landfills/compostingcenters that good that they always kill of everything (lots of 'industrial' compost goes back to gardeners). When I compare it with homemade compost it usually gives me the creeps - the compost looks dead alright, smells like hell, so I'm not convinced what is worse than the other. I think active composting (good quantaties and good balance between materials, good control over air and moisture) thus obtaining two good temperature spikes should give good compost that can be used with normal hygien (keeping plants dry) without problems. I do dispose of fall material since composting during late fall and winter isn't ideal.
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