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Old January 9, 2008   #16
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: PNW
Posts: 4,743

Sounds like that will work fine.

BER is a calcium deficiency disease. Plants
can get it from a simple lack of calcium in the
soil or from a lack of moisture (soil needs to be
moist to keep the calcium absorbable by the
roots). Some cultivars seem to need more calcium
than others to prevent BER (not as efficient at
taking it up through their roots, probably).

That seems to me a lot of bonemeal to add, 4-lbs
once a month. You should probably do a soil test
next winter after you pull the plants and see how much phosphorus in an absorbable form is still there.
They are getting some phosphorus from the other
stuff (manure, compost, seed meals, etc), and what
the plants do not use tends to stay put.

Soil pH matters for phosphorus uptake, too. A soil that
is dead on 6.5-7.0 can get by with less total phosporus
than a soil outside that range. There was a good post
by Fusion late last spring describing soil pH effect on
solubility of phosphorus in the soil:
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