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Old February 11, 2008   #1
gardengalrn's Avatar
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Kansas, zone 5
Posts: 524
Default What is everyone growing?

I'm getting pretty excited to start my new garden, even with snow on the ground at this point. Although I love tomatoes and am obsessed by them for some reason, I also grow many other vegetables. Now that space is not a concern (did I say that??) it is mainly the time/effort factor as to how big I can go. I will still plant intensively but things like my tomatoes will get more space and hopefully be a little healthier for it.

I've got my onions ordered from Dixondale, to be delivered at the appropriate time. Strawberry and raspberry plants as well, can't remember where I ordered them from right this minute. I had very grand plans for starting an orchard but have put that on hold until next year because I have too many "new" things brewing for this spring (garden, CHICKENS). I've also got sweet potato slips ordered.

Early spring garden will include cabbage (will be making kraut this year), broccoli, lettuce, collards, peas, potatoes, brussel sprouts, turnip, beets. Later, both bush and pole beans, peppers, corn, squash (summer and winter), trying a few pumpkin and melon (never had the space to try), carrots and a few more things I can't recall at the moment. Lots of herbs and I hope to preserve what I can't use fresh. Dill preserves well, I've found, so I usually just scatter seed all around and they reseed readily.

I'm trying to be reasonable about when I start stuff and hope I can stick to it. I've researched the last frost date for here and knowing all things are possible, I'm thinking to set out the summer plants in early/mid May. I will start a few like Stupice and Kimberly early in buckets as that has worked out well. Oh, and I did plant a garlic bed in the fall so I hope that comes up with no problem. It's been pretty darn cold here though!!!
"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
-Abraham Lincoln
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