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Information and discussion for successfully cultivating potatoes, the world's fourth largest crop.

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Old February 16, 2008   #1
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Zone 8B Northern California
Posts: 19
Default Chitting Potatoes

Found the below info at
Would anyone have any other words on ways to prime seed potatoes before planting?

"By chitting we may select the eyes and encourage good sturdy sprouts before planting to produce earlier, improved crops. Look closely at the potatoes and you
should see more eyes at the crown - often there are three or four, sometimes five, in a cluster. On some tubers, particularly the roundish shaped types, they may be placed off centre. If these are allowed to grow they will produce mainly small tubers. Using a potato peeler or a small pointed knife remove all the eyes in the cluster by scooping approximately one eighth of an inch (3mm) deep, which should eliminate any regrowth. Without the crown cluster eyes the tuber's food reserves will be directed to shoulder and side eyes. Set treated tubers, crown up, on egg trays, thus allowing space for the sprouts to develop. They do not require high temperatures, but should be kept in full tight and free from extreme cold or frost. "

I just received the most killer assortment of seed potatoes in the mail and would like to get a suitably killer harvest.
5 gal. too small for pot culture? I seem to have read somewhere that pot grown taters will set fewer if any seeds but would be a good way to increase a variety.
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