May 31, 2009 | #1 |
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Mid-Ohio
Posts: 851
Pinch off blossoms?
I started my peppers early and they went in about ten days ago at about the time of the last frost, so they are just getting established and are not really that big or growing strongly yet, but they are budding like crazy and I'm afraid that at this small size any early fruit set will stunt them. I would like to give them some time to grow in warmer soil before letting them fruit. I'm just now putting in the last of my tomatoes (right on schedule). Would it be a good idea/good timing to pinch off the pepper blossoms until the tomatoes start to flower (mid June)? Or wait longer (late June) until the tomatoes really get going? This is my first year growing a lot of peppers, In the past I always got them in late (basic bell peppers) and didn't pay atttention to what they were doing and they were usually stunted by the first fruit. This year I have about two dozen varieties (frying, new mex, and hot peppers) and am trying to be a responsible parent.