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Old June 29, 2009   #17
organichris's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Tulsa, OK
Posts: 630

Originally Posted by WVTomatoMan View Post
I've providing a link below to Michael Taylor's testimony before congress. Do you have any issues with the FDA plan or Michael Taylor's comments? How is Monsanto benefited?

In other words what happens when you look past the Monsanto thing?

I wouldn't expect to find anything gosh darnoodleyable in the prepared remarks of anyone before Congress when his objective is clearly not to incriminate himself or Monsanto. I cannot say exactly what benefits there may be to Monsanto, but I can say that they have a long history of sharing employees with U.S. government, and in my estimation this makes strange bedfellows.

We might also have asked what would John Ashcroft's senatorial campaign donations from Monsanto have to with his ability to objectively govern as the attorney general. It may not have been apparent at the beginning, but when Ashcroft asked the Supreme Court to uphold plant patents, one has to wonder after the fact. Of course there are countless other examples of questionable actions taken by persons within the government who are former employees of Monsanto and other multinational corporations.

It is not our duty as citizens to make a determination as to whether a politician is not corrupt when there is a high likelihood that his prior relationship with a corporation such as Monsanto (or Halliburton for that matter) might have some influence down the road in policy decisions yet to be made.

In other words, security from government corruption requires that citizens be skeptical, suspicious, and dare I say cynical concerning the employment histories and motives of would-be government minders. Once these guys are in office, its too late. Because one day you'll wake up to the fact that your country's vice-president is giving no-bid contracts in Iraq to the company he formerly headed, all the while making handsome profits from company stock. And guess what? He's not going to apologize for it either. And why should he? He's already gotten over on you and there's nothing you can do about it.
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