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Information and discussion for successfully cultivating potatoes, the world's fourth largest crop.

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Old March 27, 2010   #1
wmontanez's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: MA
Posts: 776
Default TPS Seedling experiment

I started some TPS seed in January and February from berries I collected last year. I came around asking some questions to this forum when i was starting to sow the seeds. The mother potato selfed, I called it originally purple peruvian but the flowers were not white as I expected, at this point I am not sure of the exact name of the mother but it had purple skin purple flesh with mauve flowers with redish/rust color pollen.

Now I have 12 TPS seedlings about 6 inch to 2 inch tall. And a second tray of about 20 more 1/4 inch seedlings. Since my frost date is a month from now, I was potting up and burying the taller ones up to the second or third set of leaves and discovered some pea size tubers!
So I transfered all the seedlings to bigger pots and collected the little tubers. Only 9 plants out of 12 had some formed, the biggest seedlings had 4 or 5 tiny tubers. They range from black to purple, mauve, bi-color, pink and white. I gave the pot numbers (TPS Seedling #1, 2, 3 and the tubers I wrote seed tuber #1, #2 and so on...)
I want to cut one too to see the flesh but I wonder if I can grow clones from them. What is your experience with this? Tom any advice ?

I am very excited about growing my own potatoes this way, I will end up with an amazing diversity And can't wait to receive the tubers from Tom to plant them next to mine, maybe they cross with one of the red-flesh and create another kind altogether. No more buying store potatoes
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