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Old May 22, 2010   #1
Tomatoville® Moderator
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Default the 2010 season is taking shape....Indeterminates now planted

Finally (May 21, took some time to get my act together...and the seedlings in the driveway cleared out sufficiently to make room), I made my selections and planted my "big driveway pots". Following - tomatoes and rationale.

Mexico Midget - Sue would kill me if I didn't plant this one in the driveway every year! Plus, omelets, frittatas, pizzas, and salads wouldn't be the same without a handful of them included.
Speckled Roman - love it for the productivity, flavor and the stripes - and for fresh seed.
Yellow Brandywine - it's been quite some time, so for fresh seed, also to compare with Aunt Gertie's Gold head to head
Cherokee Purple - of course; using JSS seed source to see if they've maintained it wee
Nepal - need fresh seed desperately; can link it back to the first time I grew it and loved it in 1988.
Cherokee Chocolate - of course
Tiger Tom - need fresh seed desperately, and for a tasty early salad tomato with bite
Cherokee Green - testing the JSS release against my expectations
Caitlin's Lucky Stripe - a recent selection from Little Lucky....will it be true to what I selected?
Sungold - of course, and another cause for Sue murdering me if it isn't in the driveway. Problem is she eats them before I can get to them!
Green Doctor - from Victory, hoping it to be a nice indeterminate green cherry (something that Green Grape for me is not)
Orange Strawberry - it's been years, fresh seed badly needed, wanting to see how it does in a large pot. Loved it the only year I grew it.
Berkeley Tie Dye - for fresh seed, and a fair evaluation.
Lucky Cross - of course
Buckeye State - from Victory - want to compare it to the Livingston description
Lillian's Yellow Heirloom - of course; can never get enough seed to satisfy my needs!
Aunt Gertie's Gold - to compare with Yellow Brandywine, for fresh seed and to test the hype level
Pink Berkeley Tie Dye- same reason as BTD
Trees Bottom Yellow - for fresh seed, to test it out, and compare - is it like LYH or YB in color?
Large Lucky Red - recent selection from Lucky Cross, was stellar last year, huge PL red (rare) - will it come true?
Sunlucky - from Keith - to evaluate.
Andrew Rahart's Jumbo Red - for fresh seed, and to compare with Aker's WV as a large red (I grew that last year).
Little Lucky - of course. Always seem to be short of seed for this.

And in smaller pots, but still the driveway

Stick - fresh seed...and, just because...
Silvery Fir Tree - ditto
Variegated - ditto
Kimberly - to get a nice non-cherry red early in the season for salads

The following are awaiting planting out in the big garden, once the beets and greens are done. Most of these are either for evaluation, reevaluation, or fresh a few cases, a first test, and a few others, favorites for flavor.

Malschor Isura (for fresh seed), Dr Carolyn's Pink (to finally try it!), Green Zebra Cherry (first time to try, test and seed), Yellow Pear (need fresh seed), Red Zebra (never tried, need fresh seed), Ozark Cherry (fresh seed), Stokes County Pink (fresh seed), Sungold (yes, another one, maybe this way I can get some to eat myself!), White Queen (fresh seed, reacquaint myself with it), Tommy Toe (first time, fresh seed), Yellow Bell (an old favorite, love it - fresh seed), Kosovo (finally! from a fruit Lee brought back from CHOPTAG), Isis (giving it another try), Japanese Trifele Black (time to try it again), Green Giant (one of my favorites, so for eating, primarily!), new hearts from Reinhard in green, chocolate, purple, yellow and red (to test out and save seed and evaluate); Portuguese Beef, Port. Heart, Port. Paste (all for Carolyn, to evaluate and get fresh seed), Harmony sourced Cherokee Purple (from Carolyn, to compare to Cherokee Purple), Amazon Chocolate (curiosity mainly - potato leaf, from a friend who loves it), Purple Haze (from Keith, first trial) and 4 new ones from Randy Gardener.

I will leave the Dwarfs to be grown for that area of Tomatoville.

But now it is time to finish the pots - so on to eggplant and pepper. (on edit, managed to get most sweet peppers and all eggplant and some hot peppers in pots, hope to finish all but the numbered experimental hots planted tomorrow...those I put in very small half gallon pots just to trial as many as possible. Nice that hot peppers allow such things)!
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