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Old April 23, 2011   #1
Tom Wagner
Crosstalk™ Forum Moderator
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Some lucky folks are receiving my new RIVER series of potato varieties.

With the many thousands of varieties that I have on hand...many don't have names yet. That was the case the last couple of days when I dug out of my storage piles of sacks, boxes, and bags of potato varieties...single hill sacks of numbered lines.

Numbers don't have cachet; therefore I like indication of approval carrying greater prestige. Besides....numbers get transposed and no one can read my writing....Transposed means right numbers, wrong order. Like this: 123410 reported as 124310. My computer database pedigree information is based on a combination of numbers and names for accuracy.

I don't know if I will offer the River series after this year...depends on whether or not they do well for me and my customers. Since I don't like to offer tubers after I have had them for too many years....they pick up viruses, etc., however, I encourage folks to regrow what they get from me in case I cannot offer them again.

The River Series:
Milakokia River
Millecoquins River
Shoepac River
Pointe aux Chenes River
Mackinac River
Manistique River
Brevoort River
Escanaba River

I won't take the time to describe these...wait til the few customers chime in after they grow them....keeps it a mystery and discovery for the gardener. I rather like it when only the customer can tell us about a variety rather than a cut and dried monologue from the breeder or seed company.

One of my customers here on TVille has been sent the above and the following:
Skagit Valley Gold
Up To Date
Howie Mandel
Lumper's Gold
Red Thumb
Blood Money

The person I sent the above tubers to does not have a packing slip in the box....therefore I expect that customer to recognize this grouping and claim the fame. I write the names on the potatoes with a black marker.

I need to plant the rest of the tubers for myself in order to get TPS from them.

Gotta shut down my potato ordering system so that I can find time to plant...we just had a rare day without rain today.
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