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Old May 7, 2011   #1
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Cincinnati
Posts: 907
Default Florida weave skeptic

I am thinking about trying the Florida weave this year, but must admit I am somewhat skeptical of it. I have read several threads on Tville regarding the Florida weave, and from those threads it appears many members think it is great.

Several years ago, I tried staking my tomato plants. I used 1" x 2" stakes that were 8 feet long. I put 1 1/2 ft. of the stake in the ground. As the tomato plants approached 5 - 5 1/2 feet, the weight of the top of the plant snapped a good number of the stakes in half, and I ended up with tomato plants on the ground.

My concern with the Florida weave is similar. When the tomato plants approach 5 - 6 feet, and become top heavy from fruit set, what keeps the Florida weave from falling over on the ground. I have this vision of a row of my tomato plants laying on the ground because they became too heavy for the t-posts and string.

Can anyone help me get over this concern? The Florida weave looks really nice as a picture on my PC screen, but will it look that nice in my garden?
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