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July 31, 2006 | #1 |
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Den of Drunken Fools
Posts: 38,539
Pictures of new place and future garden site.
Hello folks, I finally got around to posting some photos of the new place.
The large dried up area in the back will for the tomato patch and a few other odds and ends. I will post else where on this forum, for some help on subject of terracing and raised beds. The front part of the place was totally void of all plant life except for the trees and Spanish bayonets. So here goes. Rosemary Rosemary The elephant ears and rosemary are all on a drip system. I know rosemary doesn’t need much water but they do have to have some. They are babies and I have found out that if you give them the right amount they thrive. The soil is sandy clay with a mix of gravel and round stones. These are old pictures and I now have a pomegranate and a pride of Barbados planted to the left and right of the cannas in the circle of rosemary. At last count I think I have 48 rosemary plants and they are doing great. Every other one is of a different variety some grow to about 5 feet and others grow to about 3 or four feet. I plan on having a hedge with sort of a dragon tooth appearance by their growth habits and how they are pruned. That hedge will turn blue when it blooms, you just have to know when not to prune so as not to cut off next years blooms. The soil cracks when it dries up so I put a layer of compost around all of the plants. That stopped that!!! The elephant ears are about 5 feet tall now and folks actually go out of their way to stop and tell me how much better the place looks with all of the plants. I always see these things growing next to a house but I thought out side the box a little and put them in the woods, the toads and lizards love it. It really makes me feel great to hear that, folks are always a little spooked when someone new arrives in a new neighborhood. The lady that owned the place for 25 years told me that nothing would grow in the shade or in the soil here. I told her to come by later and she could see what could be done with out any chemicals or cutting down of trees. Hope you guys enjoy, Worth |