Member discussion regarding the methods, varieties and merits of growing tomatoes.
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August 1, 2006 | #1 |
Tomatopalooza™ Moderator
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: NC-Zone 7
Posts: 2,188
Tomatopalooza[tm] IV Result
Another year has come and gone for our fourth annual Tomatopalooza[tm] in Raleigh, NC.
We had (according to Craig) over 100 people, although I lost count after 5! Needless to say, there were a lot of folks who came from as far as Ohio, Florida, and even the Caribbean! We also ended up with 192 different varieties. These are listed below for reference. The official web site and location of pictures I took is My impression of this year was great. It was good to see old friends and new from GW and TV. It was also good to see all the different tomatoes come pilling in! This has been a poor year for both Craig and I, so we were concerned that we might not have enough tomatoes available. In fact, I was ready to call the whole thing off since we didn't have Cherokee Purple! Fortunately someone came through with a might fine sample of them to save the day. (You can't have a tomato tasting without Cherokee Purple around!) All 9 dwarves were there! After trying them all, I must confess that I only really liked 2 of the 9. Sneezy and Sleezy A. A couple of the others were OK, but at least 4 of them were major spitters! So, here's to finding better tasting ones in the F2 and beyond. Many of Brad's varieties made an appearance. Fuzzy Cherokee Large Barred Boar Pork Chop Yellow Boar Berkley Tie Dye LBB and Pork Chop were very nice tasting. My standouts of the day were Tennesse Heirloom, Anna Banana Russian and Jefferson Davis. JD was the sweetest tomato I've ever tasted! Tenn. Heirloom was large, meaty, and had a wonderful tart flavor to it. Jerry and I did a taste competition between Sun Gold and Sun Gold Select II. SG won hands down. While SGSII is indeed very tasty, it just lacks the punch that SG has. The tastiest treet of the day was Martha's Tomato sorbets! The Sun Gold sorbet was quite tasty but the Lime Green Salad sorbet was out of this world! I'm definitely going to have to try making some of that later this year! All and all a very good day filled with tomatoes and good conversation. I hope all who came had a marvelous time and will be around for Tomatopalooza[tm] V next July! Lee Tomatopalooza[tm] 4 Varieties - 192 different Alpha Pink Aker's West Virginia Amana Orange Amish Paste Amy's Sugar Gem Ananas Noire Andrew Rahart Jumbo Red Anna Banana Russian Anna Russian Arkansas Traveler Aunt Ruby's German Green Aunt Gertie's Gold Banana Legs Bashful Beauty, Livingston's Berkley Tie Dye Better Boy BHN 444 Big Beef Big Boy Big Orange Big Rainbow Big Zac Black Altai Black Cherry Black from Tula Black Krim Black Sea Man Blue Fruit Box Car Willie Brandy Boy Brandywine Brown Berry Bucks County Hybrid Burpee's Matchless Burracker's Favorite BWxPolish F3 Campbell's 1327 Carbon Carmello Celebrity Ceresi Chadwick Cherry Cherokee Chocolate Cherokee Green Cherokee Purple Chi Quita Ciudad Victoria Cossack Pineapple Costoluto Genovese Cuostralee Devon Surprise Divine Maltese Djenna Lee's Golden Girl Doc Dora Dr. Carolyn Dr. Wyche's Yellow Dwarf Stone Earl of Edgecomb Earl's Faux Early Goliath Early Wonder Ernesto Eva Purple Ball Fresh Salsa Fuzzy Cherokee Galina's German Johnson Giant Valentine Globe Gold Ball, Livingston's Golden Honey Bunch Grandfather Ashlock Granny Bradley Granny Cantrell pink Great White Green Giant Green Giant RL Green Grape Green Sausage Green Zebra Grub's Mystery Green RL Yellow Grumpy Happy Hawaiian Pineapple Hawaiian Red Cherry Heatwave II Japaneese Black Trifele Jaune Flamme Jefferson Davis Juliet June Pink Katinka Cherry Kellogg's Breakfast Kimberly Korney's Jelly Bean Large Barred Boar Lemon Boy Lime Green Salad Little Lucky Manalucie Marmande Marvel Stripe Marvelous, Livingston's Master Caruso Matt's Wild Cherry Mayo's Delight Mexico Midget Mortgage Lifter Mule Team Mystery Orange Mystery Pink Tomato Mystery Red Cherry Nepal New Big Dwarf Noire Charbonneuse Noire de Coeusboeuf Not Ananas Noire Not Cherokee Green 1 Not Cherokee Green 2 Not Cherokee Green 3 Not Cherokee Green 4 Not Green Giant Not Noire Charbonneuse Novogogoshary Nyagous Opalka Orange Banana Orange Heirloom Paul Robeson Pineapple Pink Stuffer Pork Chop Prue Purple Calabash Purple Russian Rainbow Bi-color Rasp Red Red Barn Red Brandywine Red Grape Red Zebra Reif's Red Heart Rinaldo Roma Rose Rose Quartz Santorini Saucy Green Siletz Sleazy Sleepy Sneezy Speckled Peach Speckled Roman Stick Stone Stupice Summer Cider Sundrop Sungold Sungold Select II Super Bush Hybrid Super Marmande Super Sioux Supersonic F3 Selection yellow Supersonic F3 Selection red Sweet 100 Sweet Gold Taxi Tennessee Heirloom Texas Wild Thai Pink Egg Tiger Tom Tiny Tim Turkey Chomp Variegated Volunteer cherry 1 Volunteer cherry 2 White Oxheart Winsall Wisconsin 55 Witty F1 Yellow Bell Yellow Boar Yellow Brandywine Yellow Pear Yellow Stuffer Yellow White Yugoslavian Heart Zogla
Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put one in a fruit salad. Cuostralee - The best thing on sliced bread. |