Originally Posted by Bama mater
Mark0, I've used the weave the past few years because I have limited space and posts. Here is what I do and it works very well for me, and I think production is as good or better. I space my rows at 4' on centers then my plants are 18" oc. Here is a typical row. The O is a post, believe me this works, I always loved my cages spaced 3' x 4' but I couldn't grow near as many, plus space to store the cages was a problem. I'm using 1 1/4" pipe 7' long, if you use wood you may have to go every 3 plants.
O xxxx O xxxx O xxxx O xxxx O xxxx O
Glad to hear that 18 inches works for you. Last year, I used a post every two plants. It looks like I can do better than that and save some money on posts.