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A garden is only as good as the ground that it's planted in. Discussion forum for the many ways to improve the soil where we plant our gardens.

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Old February 8, 2012   #1
Heather Greiving
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Wichita, KS
Posts: 5
Default Mycorrhizal Fungi for roots and beneficial bacteria for soil

I have found that using Mycorrhizal fungi and beneficial bacteria help to condition the soil and enlongate roots once plants are planted. The liquid Mycorrhizal works best because you can use it throughout the plants life versus just when it is planted (because you want it to make its way to the roots). When I first tested it, I had houseplants that I thought I would have to replace all of the soil that was so dried out and obviously lacking nutrients. Within about 3 weeks the soil was reconditioned and it actually looked like I had replaced all of the old soil. I now use it about 2x a month on my houseplants, and 1x a week on my tomatoes and veggies during the growing time.
Heather Greiving
Alpha BioSystems
9912 W. York St.
Wichita, KS 67215
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beneficial bacteria , improve soil , mycorrhizal fungi , roots , soil reconditioning

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