Originally Posted by nctomatoman
So, what do we do with all of those pepper! The bells are part of an evaluation/stabilization project, hence so many....we chop and freeze, give away, cook with them - also just started dehydrating them and grinding to make home made paprika.
As far as the small pot ornamental peppers, I do occasionally share samples - watch for an upcoming seed share (after things quiet down).
As for what I use - easy - mix of a 2.5 cu ft bag of Miracle Gro potting mix (not soil), and one 25 lb bag of Moo Nure. Feed with the diluted "blue stuff" every two weeks.
Is this "Blue stuff" you speak of just miracle grow with low nitrogen? I was looking around to find a good fertilizer for my struggling Anaheim and Cayene. Did you already do that seed share...just curious? I also noticed on your blog it looks like you have some orchids growing. I have two from our wedding back in October that are struggling...one might be dead.