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Old February 21, 2012   #1
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Washington
Posts: 97
Default What is a good method for trialing a large number of varieties?


I have more varieties that I want to try than what I have room for. The last couple of years I grew 40+ plants in cages in my raised beds and a few pots. I'd like to change my plan and "trial" more varieties in the same space. I am not looking to maximize production - just want to see which varieties will do well for me in my climate. I need input on some of the below topics.
  1. Support - I am leaning toward a Florida Weave. Seems like less work than other support methods. True?
  2. Distance - I plan on 2 feet between plants and 3.5 feet between rows. Too close?
  3. Number of Leaders - I assume a single leader would be best for putting the plants closer. I am not looking for production. Just looking for a few ripe fruit.
    • Will a single leader skew the results (larger fruit, earlier ripening)? Can you get a accurate impression about productivity with only one leader?
  4. Depth of raised bed - My tomato beds are 2 cinder blocks (16 inches) high and seem to do well for large indeterminates (caged at 3 feet apart on center). If I have overflow into the rest of the garden that is only 1 cinder block (8 inches) high, will the indeterminates do as well? Would they need to be spaced further apart? (My native soil underneath is rather poor, low in nitrogen, calcium, magnesium. Not much grows well for me in native soil except weeds.)
I'd appreciate some feedback and advice.

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