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Old February 23, 2012   #1
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Default Anticipation

Hrer am sitting abd waiting for the fist week of March. My forty varieties are very tall and stocky and a few even have blooms. They are stayinin outside in the sun, wind, and raon and dpoing werll. They hardened off the first week under clouded shies. it was the perfect filterter sunlight fot the first episos\de or hardening off.

I plan on putting the in the groune in thr first week of March. If the long term forcast indicates good weather during the remainer or February, I may plant even earlier. If this weather contions I mau have a great garden with lots of tomatoes and other vevetables.

I hope everyone has the weather they have been waiting for years and we all harvest great gardens this year.

Dont pay any attention to the spelling. I writing in the dark without my glasses and I am sre therir are some horrible mistakes.

Good Luck


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