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Old March 13, 2012   #1
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Washington
Posts: 97
Default Questions about Manure and Composting

I am sure these questions have been asked and answered before so feel free to point me to older threads.

I can get free horse, cow, and rabbit manure. The horse and cow I can get by the truckload (cubic yard). I'd prefer to have the rabbit first, then the cow, then the horse if it is not aged (weed seeds). The horse manure I may be able to get in various stages of aging but most likely it will be fresh and mixed with bedding of either wood shavings or wood pellets.

I can get the cow manure either
  • fresh,
  • "from the barn" which is mixed with straw and not fresh but not aged/composted either or
  • from a pile that's been out in the field getting rained on all winter
So my qeustions about manure:
  1. Will fresh cow manure added now burn plants (tomatoes) that are planted in 8 weeks.
  2. Will the cow manure that has been sitting in the field getting rained on (Pacific Northwest) still have anything beneficial to plants left in it?
  3. Could rabbit feed/alfalfa have any chemicals in it that could be harmful to plants? (I read in a different thread that cow manure can have nasty stuff still)
  4. Are weed seeds from fresh horse manure the biggest problem with it?
Along with the manure, I plan to add mushroom compost as well. A soil test revealed that the mushroom compost (that year) was not high in nitrogen so I'd like to use manure to add in some nitrogen.

My questions about compost: I have chickens but have not used their manure for fear of burning the plants.
  1. How long does chicken manure need to be aged/composted before it can be put in the garden.
  2. Will chicken manure age or compost sufficiently in an open compst bin (made from wood pallets)?
  3. Would the fancy compost tumblers be better for this than open bins?
  4. If I use weed and feed on my lawn, can I use the grass clippings in my compost bins?
Thanks for the input.
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