Originally Posted by peebee
You know, I've never read anywhere about spacing for basil. When you plant from seed, the seedlings of course are pretty close together, and I usually put them in the ground haphazardly. What is the best spacing when you have a bunch growing close together in a pot, whether you want to grow in a pot or not? When you buy from a store, they come pretty much bunched together too.
I've found that plants bunched together won't get very high or bushy, which may be fine for a windowsill garden. Outside in the ground, I space them about 1ft. or more apart depending on the variety. In smaller containers outside, I plant 1 per pot, in a larger container, I plant 2 sometimes. It depends on the variety, many small leaf basil's have a compact growing habit and can be planted closer together. Large leaf varieties can get quite high and bushy and need the most space between plants to get the best production of leaves.