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Old May 12, 2012   #1
Bladefan's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Clarkrange, TN
Posts: 68
Default Fertilizer Testing

I have heard about several uncommon forms of fertilizer recently and decided to conduct an experiment to see which one is best. There are 4 kinds I am testing, with a fifth being a combination of all four. There is of course the control plant to which I am adding only water. Medium is fox farms ocean forest. The plants are some form of hybrid from last year...seed was saved by my grandfather and was not labled...

The fertilizers are as follows...

Salt - a combination of Atlantic sea salt, real salt and dead sea salt

GHFN - General Hydroponics Flora Nova which gave me great results on my seedlings this year

Golden Treasure - I have read of good results using urine and wood ash so here it is just diluted and without the ash

Rock dust - this is not any commercial product from glaciers but rather a combination of granite from around the world, quartz, limestone, travertine and marble, all from the granite shop saw that cuts granite slabs. The mud was dried and screened leaving a very fine dust of rock powder

All 4 - this is a combination of all four of the above

Control - nothing but water here

I was very interested in testing out these various alternate fertilizers and I will post the progress as time continues...the first photo was taken several weeks ago when all seedling were more or less the same size. The second photo shows the results as of today...

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