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Old September 18, 2006   #1
spyfferoni's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Utah
Posts: 675
Default Major bummer!

We've had frost for the last three nights. The first two nights I covered the plants, yesterday the covers blew off and I was going to go tuck in my toms for the night and I was drugged...I asked my DH to run to the store to get me a decongestant because we were out and my allergies are in full swing, he said he had some and gave me two of them. 30 minutes later I started feeling wierd---come to find out my husband gave me a multi-symptom medicine with Benedryl in it---which I can't take because it knocks me out, even a half dose. It took effort for me to even talk and tell him he was on his own as far as getting the kids to bed. So, I wake up this morning and see frost all over the ground and a good portion of my tom plants bit the dust---DH didn't bother to cover them becasue the weather reports said lows in the 40s---Hello we live near the mountains!!! Anyway I am very bummed, and am re-thinking how I garden. I don't know if it is worth it to try any late season varieties any more. I only got to eat one Kosovo. I will plant more earlies next year, and try planting a month earlier, as it is easier to protect small plants than bigger ones. Overall, this season didn't meet my expectations. Tommorrow the temps are supposed to start climbing again, so I could have had a few more weeks---O well, I guess it time to clean up the garden and get ready for next year...

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