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Member discussion regarding the methods, varieties and merits of growing tomatoes.

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Old February 10, 2013   #1
attml's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Annapolis, Maryland
Posts: 222
Default Most indestructable with flavor?

I am wondering if you have any variety of tomatoes that you have grown that no matter what happens to it the plant keeps on producing tasty tomatoes? The last couple of years I have had seasons that have started off great but by the time summer comes along my plants have taken a beating either from disease or pests. I have tried to be proactive with treatments such as neem oil and Captain Jack's Dead Bug. I have used soil treatments like biotamax and plant success. It just seems like when summer gets into full swing my plants go down hill. I live down in the woods but the section where I grow my tomatoes gets a good 6-7 hours of sunlight but gets some shaded breaks from the trees as the sun moves through out the day. At plant out I dig deep holes and put in bags of miracle grow garden soil for flowers and vegtables.

Early on things look good and I get good productivity

Then summer comes and the pests and disease come with it and things head south. Sepatoria, late blight, gray leaf spot, leaf miners, aphids, white bugs all have been a problem which is very demoralizing after all of the work that has gone into the garden. It doesn't seem to mater if I have the tomatoes in containers or in the ground. I have oak trees above my garden that drop some leaves that are yellow with sepatoria looking spots on them and I wonder if that could be a culprit for some issues? Since we are in the woods it can be very buggy. I have definitely seen aphids and white bugs on the undersides of leaves which I try to treat with neem oil. It just seems like no matter how hard I try as the season goes on they pests and disease seems to win. Hence the search for super hearty varietys (I don't mind hybrids as long as they have some taste). Any recomendations or help would be appreciated!!


Last edited by attml; February 10, 2013 at 12:17 PM.
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