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A garden is only as good as the ground that it's planted in. Discussion forum for the many ways to improve the soil where we plant our gardens.

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Old March 5, 2013   #1
Ms. Jitomate
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: San Gabriel Valley, CA
Posts: 99
Default Soil Testing Results in my garden in CA

I had asked earlier about Tracydr's concern about her foundation and sidewalk on her soil in another thread because my garage and a concrete walkway is by a bed I was planning to plant tomatoes. So I decided to get a soil analysis after 28 years of planting various vegetables in this particular bed and I got my results back in one week. I also asked they make a recommendation for my bed for planting tomatoes. This is the first time I have ever seen a soil analysis so it is a bit overwhelming, but the recommendation is to add Dolomite and Sulfur, 70lbs/1000sf and 0.5 lbs/1000sf. These were the comments,

MICRONUTRIENTS: Where levels appear to be high, avoid any further applications for the time being. Very high levels may not necessarily be toxic,but avoid. Maintain correct soil pH. LIME REQUIREMENT: Liming may be necessary if buffer index is less that 6.9. Guidelines are based upon common agriculture lime (70 score) per six-inch depth to raise SOIL pH to about 6.5.

My pH was 6.0 and my Buffer index was 6.7. I have no idea what Buffer index means. Other Very High (VH) items were organic matter, phosphorus, nitrogen, and zinc. Everything else was medium or low.

Now I am trying to find dolomite. Is dolomite the same as dolomite lime?
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