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Old March 8, 2013   #1
ninilie's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 26
Default Seedlings turning yellow

My seedlings are from 1/26/13 with some a couple weeks after that. They are about two inches or so tall and have lots of leaves. I noticed 2 weeks ago that some of them are turning yellow from the bottom leaves up. I read several back posts on this subject and the cause was either to much water or not enough ferts. I potted them in a mixture of peat and pearlite with Jobes organic fert. I also use fish emultion each week. I first tried giving more ferts to see if that would help and did not see an improvement. I also went to watering every other day. These plants are outside already on my balcony and it is currently raining . My mom told me that maybe my mix is not draining well enough and that I should add some small bark to it. My mom makes her own mixture for seedlings but then plants into the ground so she is not to sure of container gardening. Last year I just used a miricle grow mix, but I wanted to try my own. These pants will be going into bigger containers at some point once I figure out how many I can keep for my balcony. I plan to give the rest away to friends. I am going to a nursery today and plan on buying some lime to add and switching to seaweed ferts if they have it. I may also buy some small bark. Does this seem like a good solution or should I try something else?
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