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Old May 12, 2013   #1
linzelu100's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Virginia
Posts: 447
Default Advice for healthy tomato plants? A-Z

I am looking for a post about growing healthy tomato plants, but I haven't found one. Do you know of any?

I would like to alter the way I raise my tomato plants. I believe I have a lot of room for improvement. I am looking for advice on a tried and true method for starting seed, when to transplant up, best height to transplant into garden and how to keep foliage diseases away, also increase yields.

Currently, I start seeds in compost potting soil and I have heard soil-less medium is superior, but I have never found anything like that for sale. Do I make it myself? I transplant once I see true leaves into 16 oz plastic cups (no drainage holes) and transplant again when they become huge and unruly, then into the garden when my frost date has passed. I give tomato plants 2 X 2 feet and use metal circular cages to keep them upright. I use Neptune's harvest seaweed/fish emulsion about 3 times during the season.

I feel I have a lot of room for improving my growing abilities. I grow a lot of delish tomatoes, but only because I have so many plants. My yields are usually around 10 lbs per plant, dramatically less for some. I would like to improve. Can you point me in the right direction. I have books on the subject, but there is so much conflicting info; I would also like to do things without wasting money on tools/accessories I can do with out.

Thank you so much.

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