Originally Posted by nnjjohn
anybody know what might be a good crop to start from seed or buy to plant this late in the season for some spare room to plant in a few of my beds? Thinking of trying swisschard but never grew them before..they okay next to cucumbers or tomatoes or both? tia, john
I succession plant bush beans so I have a continuouse supply of them. I will plant pole beans mid july so I have a large supply to freeze early Fall. I leave an open space for carrotts and broccoli to be planted mid July. I'm not sure about the swiss chard. I usually plant early spring and late summer. Regarding planting near the cukes and tomatoes. The cukes will try to climb on anything and the tomatoes might cast too much shade for good growth. Also the cukes and tomatoes are pretty heavy feeders so i think you will need a pretty rich soil to sucessfully grow them in close proximity.