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Old July 27, 2013   #1
Tomatoville® Moderator
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hendersonville, NC zone 7
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Default Well, we've pretty much tasted them all. The winners...

[out of our 200 plus plants - these stood head and shoulders above the rest

B]Indeterminate varieties:[/B]

Nepal (always does well, always tastes great to us)
Brandywine (another spectacular showing, flavor wise)
Lillian's Yellow (ditto)
Ruby Gold (aka Gold Medal) - haven't grown it in years, but it seemed to agree with the weather - just delicious - best its tasted in my experience
Hugh's (another I've not grown in years that shone this year)
the Cherokee threesome - Purple, Chocolate and Green
Polish (Bill Ellis version)
Yellow Oxheart (another I've not grown in years - wow!)
Mortgage Lifter, Halladay's
Sungold and Mexico Midget, of course
Egg Yolk (large yellow cherry) and Lemon Drop (medium nearly white cherry - very pale yellow) - new to us this year - really nice
Don's Double Delight (just gorgeous and tastes as good as it looks)

Dwarf varieties

Summer Sunrise
Summertime Gold
Dwarf Sweet Sue
Dwarf Mr. Snow
Dwarf Emerald Giant
a newly named early generation selection from Cheerful - Dwarf Black Angus (medium sized incredibly delicious purple - the Cheerful line is a result of Summertime Green X Sweet Adelaide) - I named this after my wife's dad's family name
a newly named early generation selection from Fancy - Dwarf Emerald Isle (medium sized green heart, faint pink blush, wonderful flavor - the Fancy line is a Sunny F3 orange fruit X Orange Pear - Sunny is Tipsy F2 X Orange Heirloom - so go figure - where did the green and heart come from? Recessive traits going wild!) - I named this after Ireland (the Emerald Isle)
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