January 17, 2014 | #18 |
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: California
Posts: 269
2014 Pepper Planting
Yesterday I planted five seeds from a fruit from each of the varieties shown in the earlier photos. The seeds were planted into 2" x 2" cells containing a soil-less mix. They are kept at 80 degrees farenheit under clear domes. There is no supplemental light at this time, but they will be placed under twin 40 watt flourescent tubes when the first seed sprouts.
It is not the intent to grow all of the varieties to maturity for continued selection. The plants pictured in the first post are being grown as part of a project conceived and directed by NCTOMATOMAN. The choice to plant all and cull later is based on my need to plant and his current activity level. He has my reports and photos and will determine which ones should continue based on that information and his selection criteria when he becomes less busy. I've also planted seeds from all the plants shown in the immediately preceding post. I'm not planning to hover over all of them - I'm scratching the offspring from 5.3, 14.1 and 17.1. The seeds from 16.2 are much darker than those from the other plants and this often indicates poor viability, so this one may die out on its own. All plants that emerge and aren't selected to go forward will be donated to the Food Closet Garden where they won't go to waste (and where I can keep an eye on them - just in case something 'pops'). |