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Old March 8, 2014   #1
Vespertino's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Southlake, TX
Posts: 743
Default Broken Knee Tomatoes!

My 2014 year is the year of the broken knee! Roughly 3 weeks ago I slipped on an invisible ice slick, resulting in a displaced transverse patella fracture. It will be many months to a year before I regain full use of my knee joint. But I'm going to do everything I can to get some tomatoes planted. As a result of the injury I had to scale back a lot of my gardening plans, I still don't know how much I am going to be able to accomplish, but I'm determined to TRY.

Last year I had a photo thread on my tomato growing endeavors on a teeny covered patio. Apartment living didn't give me much greenspace but I still gave it a try.

This year I moved into a house and I was looking forward to planting tomatoes in the yard. I had a pretty good germination rate, but my hubs killed some of them off when I couldn't water them myself on account of the knee injury and he wasn't very diligent keeping the seedling pots moist. So I have 85 seedlings. They were a little leggy (I don't have heating pads or grow lights, just windows) but looking good otherwise.

If all else fails I'll give my plants away!

This years grow list is:

Sungold - tough little ★★★★★★★s survived and produced through repeated herbicide drift and oppresive 110+ heat!
Sibisrky S
Caspian pink
Russian Queen
Moravsky Div
Egg Yolk
Dwarf Arctic Rose
Rose Quartz Multiflora
Summertime Green Dwarf
Green Zebra
Evans Purple Pear

I haven't done an accounting of how many of each I've got, so some of these may have been wiped out when my hubs failed to water some of them.

So far I've been able to re-pot the seedlings from jiffy pots to solo cups without much help, other than having the soil and certain things out of wheelchair reach brought to me. I don't have a potting bench, so I have to do this on my dining room table. Hubs was ticked at the mess and was convinced I couldn't clean it, but I knew that one can sweep up dirt just fine in a wheelchair, I even managed to use a dustpan. With my cleanup complete I couldn't help feeling a little smug.

Here are this year's tomato babies! The Caspian Pink, SCP and Sungolds had a great start, my second round of seedlings started a week later are lagging behind (I think the air around my windows got very cold) but they're perking up now.
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