March 26, 2014
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Nauvoo, Alabama
Posts: 184
Originally Posted by CarolynPhillips
I had a problem finding an Organic Nitrogen source locally that was non-gmo that starts working right away.
Since I had to order an organic nitrogen, I bought Pumpkin Power 9-3-4 OMRI slow release. It slow releases up to 3 months. 3 months during cooler weather and much less time during warm to hot weather. I plan to use it monthly. I like it. It has a light fish emulsion aroma and has kelp but once you mix it into the soil, you can't smell it.
I am growing 6 to 8 Single vine tomato plants in 20 gallons of soil (25 gallon pot). I left space for mulching.
The soil is 1/2 pro-mix and 1/2 commercial compost.
To the 20 gallons of soil, I added::
2 cups of dolomite lime
1 cup of Azomite
1 cup of Bonemeal
1 cup of Gypsum
1 cup of Pumpkin Power 9-3-4
I've been watering with baby fish nutrient water. The nitrogen isn't very strong right now.
I added a small handfull of worms to each 25 gallon pot the other day. Not sure how that will work out yet.
The plants are starting to bloom now. Lots of megablooms from the beefsteak varieties.
Growing in the 25 gallon pots = Big Beef Hybrid, Big Beef OP, Brandywine, Sweet Million Cherry, Steakhouse (new from burpee) Beefsteak, 1884, Cherokee Purple, Pineapple, Beefmaster, Artisan Purple Bumble Bee, Indigo Rose, Omar's Labanese, Caspian.
Growing Illdi, Big Zac, Bush Beefsteak and a few others in 5 gallon pots/grow bags using same fertilizer formula.
should be an interesting spring/summer.
I'm also going to grow 6 single vine Big Beef OP in earthboxes. I have 10 earthboxes. I will add to the soil of just Pro-mix
1 cup of Lime
1/2 cup Azomite
1/2 cup Bone meal
1/2 cup gypsum
3 cups of Pumpkin Power 9-3-4 as my fert. strip.
pics of 25 gallon pots of toms .. single vines.
Happy Gardening