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New to growing your own tomatoes? This is the forum to learn the successful techniques used by seasoned tomato growers. Questions are welcome, too.

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Old March 26, 2014   #14
nnjjohn's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: northern new jersey
Posts: 683

Originally Posted by kath View Post
Tomatoes can stay in 72-size-cells until they have at least one set of true leaves. That's the size I'm familiar with and I usually pot up between 2-3 weeks when the root ball is established. Not sure about basil. Again, just make sure they're getting the light they need.
Most my plants in two 72 cell trays are doing just fine after three weeks.. I only used the heating pad and led grow lamps for the first ten to twelve days with the dome until most of the seeds germinated.. now all they get is window sun and three times a day mist spray bottle watering.. I won't seed any cucs or zucs yet,, they grow too fast this early..i will seed for a total dozen at best of cucs yellow and green squash for my family garden. The tomato plants can stay in those individual 72 cells until they have at least three or four true leaves .. I transplant the healthiest looking ones in three inch dollar store cups using the same seedling mix basically mg seedling mix which is fortified peat. I lift out using a small baby spoon between the cells leaving the rest in the cell tray with more space between them in the cell tray. I'll do this in about another week and have at least four times what i'll be using in my garden beds. The rest I'll give away after i know all my transplants are doing good after a week in the ground.
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