Originally Posted by beeman
Should extend the seasons for you. Just a word of warning, it won't be strong enough to withstand any snow.
I have two somewhat similar and both collapsed over the winter. So, another extra job this year re-building them.
Good point. It was going to have a ridge beam and purlins to help with stability, but I may add a little more bracing than that, considering the snow loads that we've seen last winter. I was also going to space the sections out at 16" but on second thought I may go to 14" or so. The 45* angled roof (12" on 12" pitch) should shed most of the snow, but when the wind howls, all bets are off. Thanks Beeman.
Originally Posted by Cole_Robbie
The pvc will last longer in the sun if you paint it with a white latex paint. White duct tape also works, but the sun will eat it up in a year or two.
I have a touch-up (spray) gun, to use once I'm finished with the construction. An exterior white enamel should hold up for at least one year, then I'll be able to see how the whole project is working out, and make adjustments in materials, design, or both ...if needed. Thanks CR.