Information and discussion regarding garden diseases, insects and other unwelcome critters.
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#1 |
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Edmond,OK
Posts: 100
So this plant has been out about 2 weeks, in an Earthtainer. It has started to look gray, not just a leaf but the whole thing, stem and all. It was bought online at The Tasteful Garden - it's a Super San Marzano. All the plants I bought from them were really tall and floppy. I don't really think it's a problem with their plants as a couple of my seedling transplants look wimpy and a tiny bit grey as well. Whats going on????? Maybe too wet; and between the wind and that it has just taken its toll on the plant??
7343DDA8-DB46-42D4-8D93-0F312D6F9E24_zps5xi6muaz.jpg 924F8F53-231E-48D0-B268-D373DDD60466_zps8nc9i8wl.jpg 23E407AF-0CBA-4053-974E-99BC2F60805E_zpsqvdjkobh.jpg This full picture of the plant doesn't make it look grey, but it is. D673B74A-9A0D-47A6-94E2-34AEBEF3BD88_zpsfkgysbeo.jpg Here is the plant next to it, also from The Tasteful Garden - a Italian Red Pear. It seems to be yellowing. I would think this is from being too wet. D57CAF45-FFD6-43F9-BB3D-9C65F40F167D_zps4i9hrhxo.jpg And here they are just a few days after planting. IMG_3085_zpsb45de7ae.jpg I have wanted to treat the plants but it has been raining on and off for the last few days. Before that it had been warm and dry here, so it hasn't been a wet spring On a side note I found this little guy. I saw the chewed up leaf and thought it was aphids or spider mites munching. I reached down to grab the leaf and a bug fell down. At first glance I thought it was a ladybug that was handling the problem. But upon further investigation I saw it wasn't a lady bug and it was to root of the problem. 737C8B5C-A22A-4BB1-A50E-DAE9737CCBC0_zps0lxbzdsf.jpg AD6EF597-2A97-4683-807F-76BEFA186833_zps3rcplczr.jpg
Justin |
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