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A garden is only as good as the ground that it's planted in. Discussion forum for the many ways to improve the soil where we plant our gardens.

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Old June 27, 2014   #30
Got Worms?
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: NY Zone 5b/6a
Posts: 546

Originally Posted by Redbaron View Post
But worse is that he is Vegan. So his ethics force him to fight that war without a gun. So he could just give up gardening. Or he could sell the house and move. or....... find some way to control the rodent population. Most people are not able to instantly create wolf/coyote/bear habitat in their back yards. So that leaves domestic dog breeds specializing in rodent control, or possibly a fence? All I can say about the fence is, better be a really good fence or the woodchucks will laugh at it.

I had a new thought since woodchuck pie is off the table. You might be able to build reinforced concrete 4 feet high raised beds..... as long as the footer is deep enough a foundation..preferably down to bedrock.

I didn't know we had anyone from the Vegan system on this planet.

For Glenn; a good fence that will keep the 'chucks out (and from laughing) will have a heavy gauge 36" wide galvanized "hardware cloth" covering the bottom 12" of the fence and extending 6" below grade before it is folded 90* to parallel the ground for the last 18" in an outward direction.

We are getting farther and farther away from the original subject. I must remedy this: Nutrient density, Nutrient density, Nutrient density, Azomite, Kelp, rock dust, yeast, and withhold watering. Beer, fish emulsion, molasses, compost, brix, trace elements, etc. etc. etc. Okay, I feel better now.
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