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Member discussion regarding the methods, varieties and merits of growing tomatoes.

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Old June 27, 2014   #31
Posts: n/a

I was separating my seed this evening for those varieties I will grow next year and those I will not grow next year. I came across my Italian Heirloom seed which I grew last year. I didn't think they impressed me much in production or taste last year. I had written on the envelope "great producer" "very good taste". Now I can't remember if the envelope comments were copied from an internet description or if they were my thoughts after growing the variety.

While this has been one of my best years ever in production of large, tasty tomatoes, I have also seen some first time varieties basically fall way below expectations. I can't make up my mind if it will have a future in next years garden or not. The only things I look for in my garden next year are production, size; and taste. I plan on reducing my total varieties planted to about fifteen from thirty this year. I will be doubling up proven varieties in the same number of spaces I have this year. I have eight or ten varieties that are on my "grow every year" list. I have two or three varieties which have done well for a couple of years and may make my every year list. That leaves me a couple of spaces to experiment with. Should I try Italian Heirloom again? It's going against some pretty strong competition for the slot.


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