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Old July 9, 2014   #16
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My list from several years ago for what "may" be PL hearts...

Byc'e Serdtse

Craig's Potato Leaf (aka Bisignano #2 variant)...possibly a plum type, and I haven't heard of any PL plants for several years

Grightmire's confirmed PL's for several years


LeDeaux Special

Little Lucky Heart...I consider this a slightly tapered plum with about 10% of fruit being nippled. The outside may look somewhat like a heart. But to me, interiors of hearts should look like a meaty beefsteak, not a plum type with 2 or 3 locules and not much meat (like LLH ) one trial produced off-type globe-shaped fruit. The true variety may be a plum type.

Spudleaf 117

Syrian Potato Leaf

Yugoslavian Heart


Zore's Big Red... my one plant of Heshpole looks a lot like what my one plant of Zore's Big Red looked like from a few years ago. Very few branches and leaves. ZBR died before producing fruit. And Heshpole ain't looking good.

Striped Sweetheart

Green Giant Heart-Shaped... I gave away the seeds to this one before I realized what I may have had. It likely was just a beefsteak with one or more tomatoes on the plant that looked like a blunt heart.

Spudayellow Strawberry...this was sent to me described as a PL heart. But I've been informed, and my trials confirm, it is not.

There are a few others, but they are not yet stable.

As for possible PL hearts... I've seen blunt heart-shaped fruit show up on many beefsteak varieties. These "hearts" have always been much smaller than the typical beefsteak on the plant. And the blossom scar on this smaller fruit has always been a very small dot, whereas a large blossom scar has always produced a beefsteak.

I sure would like to see many possible PL hearts show up in the seed swap.

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