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A garden is only as good as the ground that it's planted in. Discussion forum for the many ways to improve the soil where we plant our gardens.

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Old August 20, 2014   #1
Tania's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Anmore, BC, Canada
Posts: 3,970
Default Most 'economical' method of building up soil?

Gardening folks use many organic materials to create nutrient rich soil - manure, compost, leaves, grass clippings, food waste, wood chips, newspaper/cardboard, straw, hay, coffee grinds, etc.

In our area, manure and compost are about $700-1000 per 20 cu.yd. truck load. We do not have chickens yet. Once we get them, I will be happy to have the free chicken manure!

Wood chips are free. Leaves are free, but we do not have them here, as we are in conifer forest.

Coffee grounds are free, and this is a great nitrogen source.

1st cut hay (18"x14"x36" bale) is $5-6/bale. 2nd and 3rd cuts are up to $12/bale. These are grass. Can have herbicide residue, unless certified organic (which is very expensive). Alfalfa hay is much more expensive and not easily available here.
Straw bale (same size) is $9-11/bale
Plus delivery $. ($12-25 in fuel cost for ~20 bales if we pick up ourselves, depending on how far we need to go)

I keep asking myself what is the most economical way of adding lots of organic matter into the soil.

Wood chips are great, but take a very long time (2-5 years) to break down, creating very rich soil.

Manure and compost turn into fine dust after short summer months. Need to be reapplied every year.

Coffee grinds are great, but so labour-intensive to spread around (well manure is also labour-intensive, especially when wet). Coffee grinds disappear in 1-2 months, very quickly.

My question for everybody is - what is YOUR most economical way of building up organic soil?

Please share.


Tatiana's TOMATObase

Last edited by Tania; August 20, 2014 at 02:53 PM.
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