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New to growing your own tomatoes? This is the forum to learn the successful techniques used by seasoned tomato growers. Questions are welcome, too.

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Old February 9, 2016   #1
AlittleSalt's Avatar
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 13,333
Default Potting Up Temperature ?s

I am/was wanting to pot up some tomato plants today. From seed cells to 16 oz. plastic cups. The plants have been inside our house for about a week straight. It has been too cold and windy to put them outside. So the plants have enjoyed 74F during this week. Today's high temperature is supposed to be 54F and full sun.

Potting up outside on a table would be much easier than trying to do it inside on our kitchen bar. What I'm wondering about is, "Would taking them out of their 74F environment to pot them out in 54F weather damage or stunt them?"

One way or other, I don't have enough cups to pot them all out today. I will be buying cups tomorrow. If I were to wait until Friday to pot them up - the temperature that day is forecasted 70F.

The other question is, I've seen Worth plant in clear glass jars, and I have used red and blue cups. I'm wondering if a dark colored cup (Black/dark Blue/etc.) might attract too much heat once I put them outside to get some sun?
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