June 7, 2016 | #1 |
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: France - Provence
Posts: 5
First Hybrid in History ? / "Ever since Eden", Heinz film, 1942
Hello everybody,
I try to know when was invented the first hybrid of tomato... And information about it. Does anyone know this information and could tell me the source of this information? I can not find information "reliable", documented in a book. I know that Heinz had a sophisticated research laboratory in 1930, and the Company has worked on tomato but I do not know if it was Heinz who invented the first tomato hybrids. If you don't know the movie "Ever Since Eden" by the Heinz Company in 1942 I invite you to look at it, it's really fun. The film is full of historical errors but the images are interesting. You will see nottament the Heinz research centers of the time and geneticists who invent tomatoes. Is this hybrid was? If anyone has the answer, I'm interested ... The Heinz propaganda film : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LG7nl88GfVQ (Sorry for my mistakes in English!) |