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Old June 13, 2016   #11
My Foot Smells
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Originally Posted by JLJ_ View Post
I don't think the evidence is stronger than "try it, it might help and probably won't hurt" level, but there is some reason to believe that marigolds may deter some pests. But the problem is -- not all marigolds.

I've wondered whether the difference may have originated with David Burpee's production of scentless or low scent marigolds in the mid 20th century, as part of his campaign to get the marigold named our national flower.

I suspect that older varieties, and more strongly "marigold smelling" varieties, may be effective in some situations, while many newer (as in developed within the past seventy or eighty years) and lower scented marigolds may be mostly decoration.

There is one variety sold as "guardian marigolds" which may be an older strain -- or may just be an attempt to sell something to those looking for a varmint vanquisher. I have seed that I'm going to try sometime but haven't grown them as yet. (No evidence at all, I fear, that they repel voles.) But there were many varieties of older marigolds, some both smelly and decorative, some of them must still be around.
Interesting post, never thought about it. I will say that when I had the problem w/ the cat scat in my beds, he never did his "business" in the beds w/ the marigolds or lavender. Maybe coincidence? For some reason he used the only tomato bed that I did not plant marigolds in, and he did squat amongst the potato patch and onions.

I thought RKN just affected production and wasn't certain death. Seems awefully harsh to rip up the garden this time of year, just go with it and maybe do a hard till, solarization thingy, and plant a cover crop that deters at end the season early Sept. I don't see the reason to be rash, but then again........

I have read in several places about the "good" nematodes that you can order and supposedly combat the bad ones. A good vs. evil warfare in the trenches. Surprised nobody has mentioned the application and introduction. However, that is above my fund of knowledge currently. Maybe someone can chime in.......

I do know that a lot of diseases and bugs came from So. America when ships turned from sail to steam. The trip was shorter. Some even suggest that the common cockroach is not indigenous to the usa. In closing, please keep those fire ants down there.......

Last edited by My Foot Smells; June 13, 2016 at 08:55 AM. Reason: early morning syntax bleeeech
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