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New to growing your own tomatoes? This is the forum to learn the successful techniques used by seasoned tomato growers. Questions are welcome, too.

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Old May 8, 2007   #1
SPLATT™ Coordinator
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Florence, SC
Posts: 502
Default Seed starting for fall tomatoes: Questions

Despite my long growing season here in S.C., I have never attempted a separate fall crop of tomatoes. Usually by June or July I'm worn out with the upkeep of my garden and don't get around to it. This year I plan to try to start a fall crop. Since it's my first time, I have a few questions...

First of all, when should a zone 8 grower start fall seeds? Our first frost typically doesn't happen until early/mid November. I'm thinking late June but I'm not sure. Any opinions?

Also, should I try to limit myself to early varieties? Could I squeeze in a few later ones? I think the only early seeds I have are Stupice. Most of the varieties in my collection are late season ones, although I could always order something new Any excuse to add to the collection is a good thing

And here's my last question: how do you make room for fall crops? Do you set aside planting space alongside the spring tomatoes? I ask because I've used most of my available growing space outside already. I may have to rely on the fact that some of my plants will probably be worn out and/or diseased by late summer (so I can pull them without guilt) But if I get lucky and some of my spring toms are still truckin' along, what should I do? Maybe grow them in containers?

I'd like to know more about how other gardeners are managing fall seed starting. Any advice, tips, ideas, or suggestions will be most appreciated!!!

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