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Old September 20, 2016   #1
oakley's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: NewYork 5a
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Default I need help with the 'INDIGO'

I was about to have a ceremonial burning of the seed packet i have of IndigoRose.
(i save all seed packets...empty, a few left, those kicked a reference), i make notations and tuck them in the back of my seed suitcase.
This one has been haunting me as i give all toms at least 3 yrs. Somehow, having a few chipmunks digging up a few toms early on eating the fert food, i picked out a few culls
for those empty spots and ended up with 4 IndigoRose. yikes. Healthy and grew tall above all other and gorgeous, but rocks like marbles for weeks. (yada yada) I've read all the posts about beauty and no substance...
Of corse everyone gaga's over the look. I've taken in so many mixed bags of toms to work and garden visitors gaga. (one co-worker called it the LidsayLohan of tomatoes

This has been the worst spitter tasting tomato i have ever grown...but wait, i solved it!

I had an idea a couple weeks ago over the holiday weekend but ran out of time...
(We had a tomato tasting menu)...did not want to experiment but finally tried my idea this past weekend and it was amazing.

The Mesocarp, the thick outer wall i think it is called, held up to stuffing and roasting.
Herbed goat cheese, wild thyme and chives mixed with the seed gel i scooped out with a simple round teaspoon easily. Mixed that in with the goat cheese mix and baked on the cooler side of the grill.

Completely transformed that bland tomato...

But i keep reading about other 'Indigos' that are so much better.
Any similar size? Better flavor? Still producing what i had this season...grew tall and heavy producers? I do like the 'salad ping-pong ball size with thick mesocarp'.

Roasted they were over the top delicious.
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