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Old October 13, 2016   #1
Join Date: May 2016
Location: Ireland
Posts: 41
Default Mystery tomato

It has been quite a long time since I logged on Tomatoville and rightly so as I was busy relocating to Ireland !
Long story short, I found a tomato plant growing between a crack in the pavement and a wall, in the street. I've been really surprised as to how it could grow in such conditions, even more given it had so little soil... Maybe an inch of mud.
Oh and the fact that it just grew at all... I mean, the location, climatic conditions... How'd a seed get there ? How did it germinate ?!
Anyways... You can guess what happened next !
Just put it in a pot. Now I have absolutely no idea what variety this is, don't know if it's a hybrid, an open pollinated variety, a determinate or an indeterminate plant, and so on...
It's just flowering now, given the size and location/shape of the flowers I'm pretty sure it's not a cherry tomato variety, doesn't look like a beefsteak either (no big, fused blossoms), but only time will tell. I'll make sure to harvest seeds and to grow them, we'll know for sure then if it's an hybrid or if it's open pollinated !
If it's an hybrid I guess I'll try to stabilize it and find a cool name for it.
Just wanted to share this with you as I thought it was a rather funny story.
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Last edited by Gazeofslate; October 13, 2016 at 01:32 PM.
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