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Old January 7, 2017   #19
Gardeneer's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: NC - zone 8a - heat zone 7
Posts: 4,919

Originally Posted by imp View Post
Not only do the folks down here not know how to drive in bad weather, we don't have enough snow/ice equipment either. Up until a couple years ago, we had 1, count it, 1 snowplow for the entire county- and our counties are fair sized. <grin> We now have 6 dump trucks that can be equipped with snow blades.

Mike came by this afternoon and carried me to the store since my truck was back visiting Charles again; he was going to leave me a vehicle, but had the suburban already warm, so dropped me at the store and run some other errands for himself. I really did not want to drive with my eyes swollen and sick, so it was really nice of him - shades of driving Miss Daisy!!

I must have been looking sickly, had people offering to hand me down items and the bagger insisted I get into the suburban while he loaded the groceries in the back seat- very sweet of him. By the time we got me home and groceries in, I was tuckered out.

Hoping no one else catches any bugs going about.

Also hoping the knee surgery goes well and all the driving will be in better weather and safe!

Stay warm everyone.

I used to go college in Memphis , TN.
Yeah , people over there did not know how to drive in the snow and ice and they did not have any equipment or trucks to sand the roads. So everything was shut down whenever there was some snow dust. No classes.

Happy Gardening !
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