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Old January 13, 2017   #11
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Originally Posted by carolyn137 View Post
I have offered RL and PL IS in recent seed offers and those who have grown both in the same season, and have reported back on the Fall results thread I put up have said they thought the two were about the same except for leaf form.

I could check that if necessary by going back to the reports but I'd rather not based on other priorities.

As for a heart form for IS, IMO it's not a given at this point. Some have said,and shown pictures,of a blunt heart.

A small group was set up to exchange seeds of possible hearts that I think were JLJ and Marsha and I can't remember the third.

But it was Marina in Russia who got the heartiest ones,and I know I asked hera bout that and seeds,she didn't answer for a long time,can't remember,but I got no seeds from her,that I know.

IS has mimiced Cherokee Purple in all ways,that is, CP has PL variants and also a heart form saw it, not so sure, so why not IS having a PL form as well as a true stable heart ready to be distributed widely as well,just not yet as I see it.

Carolyn, no furry friends left in my home to be mom to,so I've become mom to some of my more successful tomato introductions,of which Indian Stripe is one.
Just updating here, and I think many of you should know that I've been offline for over a week,see the thread in the off topic Forum that Mischka put up.

Marina had sent me seeds on Nov17th and they got here just last Saturday,she sent lots of seeds for IS Heart and said she had saved seeds from several and grown it out twice and was confident the heart version was stable,unless someone grows it out and has either a mutation or X pollination in their own garden.

She sent me 11 other new ones but is switching from tomatoes to melons and I gave her some hints on where to get the largest number.

I also got seeds this past Monday from Charline in France,the two family ones she promised and several more.

I've been thru H with Verizon and finally only did someone come and fix it in 5 min and I'm hoping it holds.

The seed offer will be very very late this year,call it 2015/2016, and I have so much work yet to do to get all the descriptions I can from my 7 seed producers,especially since the seeds that were produced this past summer I call it my international offer, most can't be found at Tanias,or via Google,etc.

And few have seen the seed produced in the summer of 2015 either.I did send some seeds to a few commercial vendors for them to trial,as I do every year. Good varieties don't last unless grown out and shared, not just shared between individuals,at least that's my opinion. And since 4 of my seed producers are SSE listed members they will have still a wider distribution.

So let's be glad that at last I got the IS Heart seeds back from Marina.

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