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Old February 22, 2017   #1
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Branson MO
Posts: 441
Default Tomato Tracker Software

Last spring I offered my Tomato Tracker software to forum users. I've updated the program a little and will be offering it for a time to download.

The software will run on Windows 7, 8 and 10. It will not run on XP.

There is a form to fill out when you click the link, but the sole purpose of the form is for you to decide whether you want to notified by email for updates (also free). The form also tells me when members have finished with your downloads. When I get no responses for a while, I will delete the files from my web server. (It doesn't cost a ton to store these on the cloud, but if no one is downloading, it's a waste of money.)

There are two links on the download page, one for the full program and one for an update for users who have the software already installed.


1. You can now store 2 pictures with each of your tomato records. (Whole and sliced maybe?)
2. You can move your data file anywhere you would like and connect your program to it.
3. The general search has been improved.
4. There is a link on the front page to allow you ask a question about the software so I can respond directly instead of your having to post your question. (I will also respond to questions here.)

Here's the link:
Tomato Tracker Program and Update Download
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