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Old March 4, 2017   #1
BigVanVader's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Greenville, South Carolina
Posts: 3,099
Default Soil sample results

Here are my soil results, I cant get the bar graph to post right so I just pasted the rest. Any thoughts? This is my first time testing since moving. What does buffer PH mean? Why are they recommending so much Calcium Nitrate if my Calcium is excessive? I'm going to call them and go over some of this but wanted to get insights from you pros at TV.

Analysis Results
Soil pH 6.1
Buffer pH 7.55
bar graph
Phosphorus (P) 125 lbs/acre Excessive
Potassium (K) 223 lbs/acre High
Calcium (Ca) 2906 lbs/acre Excessive
Magnesium (Mg) 522 lbs/acre Sufficient
Zinc (Zn) 24.8 lbs/acre Sufficient
Manganese (Mn) 81 lbs/acre Sufficient
Boron (B) 1.3 lbs/acre Sufficient
Copper (Cu) 1.1 lbs/acre
Sodium (Na) 23 lbs/
Sulfur (S) lbs/acre
Soluble Salts mmhos/cm
Nitrate Nitrogen ppm
Organic Matter % (LOI)
Calculations Base Saturation
Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) Acidity Ca Mg K Na Total
13.4 meq/100g 3.6 meq/100g 54% 16% 2% 0% 73%
Recommendations Lime
Home Garden (Inorganic) No Lime Required
See Comments: 118,174,654

118 Two cups (1 pint) fertilizer is equal to approximately 1 pound. Three-quarter pint limestone weighs approximately 1 pound.

174 Before planting, broadcast and work into the soil either 6 lbs calcium nitrate (15.5-0-0) or 3 lbs 34-0-0 per 1,000 square feet (or for each 300 feet of row). Three weeks after appearance of first new leaves, apply four inches from base of the plants, either 10 lbs calcium nitrate (15.5-0-0) or 5 lbs 34-0-0 per 300 feet or row in a continuous band.

654 Soil test again next year if either phosphorus (P) or potassium (K) is high or excessive to monitor levels.
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